Transforming Pain Research Group supported project Sensorium was displayed for the first time, February 8th at the SIAT Showcase and Competition alongside other winning projects. The project was seen and demoed by other students, faculty, and industry professionals in the media arts, design, and informatics areas.
Sensorium, a virtual reality system that allows visitors to guide visual and aural stimuli in a virtual environment by concentrating on different parts of their sensorial system, is an undergraduate research project created by Interactive Arts students Jeremy Mamisao, Julian Giordano, and Samantha Derochie. The project is being guided and supervised by Dr. Diane Gromala and Dr. Chris Shaw, along with ongoing support from Transforming Pain Group members, including Mehdi Karamnejad and Maryam Mobini.
Taking cues from other Transforming Pain Lab projects (including the Virtual Meditative Walk), the project aims to teach users more about their body responses and how to control their stress.
The group looks forward to showcasing the project at both the FCAT Undergraduate conference happening on March 9th and the SFU Surrey Open House happening March 7th. More info can be found on the groups blog,