“The ISEA Board is pleased to announce that ISEA2015 the 21st International Symposium on Electronic Art will be held in Vancouver, Canada. ISEA2015 has been awarded to Simon Fraser University in a bid led by Prof. Diane Gromala who holds a Canada Research Chair and teaches in Simon Fraser University’s (SFU) multidisciplinary School of Interactive Arts & Technology (SIAT). The Vancouver team presented their proposal at ISEA2012 in Albuquerque in a very competitive round alongside proposals from the Netherlands, Mexico and Indonesia. The ISEA Board was impressed with the proposal’s developments since its original presentation at ISEA2011. Improvements included a stronger positioning of ISEA2015 within Vancouver’s local culture while maintaining an international perspective. With the theme ‘Raw and the Cooked’ the symposium fill have the following focus: “As one of the most “green” cities on the planet, Vancouver’s inhabitants are committed to the struggle of re-visioning human relationships. Our conference will expand these human relations to non-humans—creatures, technology, art, etc.—that have the potential to alter the relations in their collectivity through processes of individuation and transduction, among others. The theme is meant not to bring us back to culture wars, but to provoke conversations about the impact of cultural practices on the technologies we make and use. Too often, technology is viewed in simple paradigms of so-called Western or industrialized nations vs. under-developed nations, yet the relevance of such a dichotomy fades daily. Instead, we hope to generate open discussions on the intertwining of culture and technology.” The development and the implementation of ISEA2015 will be managed through Simon Fraser University’s School of International Arts & Technology with the team of: Symposium Directors – Diane Gromala, Philippe Pasquier, Thecla Schiphorst Artistic Directors – Malcolm Levy, Kate Armstrong Assistant Director – Tyler Fox With an academic conference, accompanied by a program of exhibitions, performances and workshops, ISEA2015 will be an international gathering of leading and emerging thinkers and practitioners working at the interface of art and technology to be held in July/August 2015. This is the second time ISEA will be held in Canada with ISEA1995 being staged in Montreal. For further details please contact ISEA Director Sue Gollifer at info@isea-web.org or http://www.isea-web.org